On my desk at work I have an ultra wide, a single external laptop screen to my right and a TV on the far wall on my left.
Snapping two apps right and left on the uw is fantastic on the ultra wide. Price aside, it’s as good or better than having two monitors.
The TV obviously doesn’t count cuz it’s only there for other people or if I want to have server graphs running for show.
But the secondary monitor works really well is a semi important parking space. I usually slide slack and signal over there. That way I can see what was sent and only worry about going over to it if it’s something I need to respond to. I find it kind of nice to have that logical division over there. I can hot key stuff over that monitor.
I’d say if someone has the money the UW is fantastic, But it’s super useful to have a secondary monitor from a mental standpoint for me at least.
Interesting, I have two identicals at home and tend to use them equally.
Where do you put the split, to one side or directly in front of you?