I only remember this one scene and nothing beyond that:
(a bit graphic, click to show)
There are men who are restrained, and their mouths are being held open. An elderly man places a large egg on top of a ramp, and the lower end of the ramp is connected to the mouth of one of the restrained men. The egg eventually hatches, and a big snail emerges from it. The snail then slowly slides down the ramp and enters the mouth of the man, who is forced to swallow it. As a result, the man is immediately brainwashed and gains additional physical powers and will serve as an additional soldier for that old man.
I just skipped through the movie - there isn’t a scene that’s somewhat similar described here. Sadly I didn’t find anything else. https://archive.org/details/y2mate.combernievstrumprzlyugsut7q360p