I joined Lemmy a few weeks before the API change. I loved the conversations. I loved how the content was slower but more engaging, and less politically charged. There was nobody shitting on Elon Musk, or Twitter, or Reddit.

People were having meaningful, engaging conversations about random stupid memes. It felt like the early days of the internet… It felt like a small community of outcasts that all got together and posted shitty memes for the sake of giving someone else a feed of shitty memes to scroll through while they were taking a shit… Or not taking a shit, apparently…

But now that the Reddit API change happened… It’s like the super toxic part of Reddit was skimmed off the top and sent our way.

Every popular post is negatively charged. Every comment has an underpinning of hate. Everything is spun with some time of agenda that feeds half truths to make it look like whole lies.

What happened here? I thought this place was supposed to be better then Reddit? To not have some corporate overlord algorithm controlling us as part of some toxic hivemind?

Does anybody know of a Lemmy instance that has been spared from this proto-molecule outbreak?

  • Candelestine@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    That “hivemind” is just people. If you want to hide from it, you need a place where they can’t find you. That is not a Fediverse that seeks to provide an alternative to the major social media networks.

    Fortunately, the Fediverse can accommodate you, but you’ll have to work for it. You need to find an Instance that has that kind of culture you’re looking for, that closer, cooler, tighter-knit one.

    But you can’t ask the whole service to stay that one way that makes you happy. That’s not fair to the rest of the world, no matter how much one may dislike it.

    Don’t just find somewhere that feels nice, find one where they intend to stay that way.