This article is a prettification of this Wikisource Transcription and is a transcription of Cory Doctorow’s 2011 speech. I try to be 100% true to its source.

    1 year ago

    It’s a little longwinded and meandering, but it’s a good piece and a good message. This is why things like Linux and opensource are so important. On the surface it looks like a bunch of nerds making our computers slightly more of a hassle to use and slightly less compatible with everything else, but maintaining full control of what our systems do, what other system’s they talk to, and maintaining a chain of accountability that goes all the way to the hardware is so important. Sadly it’s important in ways that the average person doesn’t care much about, or rather they won’t care about them until it’s too late. Until every computer for sale everywhere is just a surveillance device shaped like a laptop that plays youtube and opens facebook while logging and sending off every click and keystroke.

    Now I’m all fired up. I’m going to go install Linux on an old thinkpad.