After having the same config for ten years or so I’m looking to upgrade my (n)vim config. I changed over to init.lua, added lsp and treesitter and it’s awesome. Real big improvement!

I’m still looking for a replacement for my file explorer. I’m using vimfiler/unite.vim at the moment. I like it because it confirms to the vinegar/oil idea.

So I’m looking for a file explorer plugin which opens full window in a buffer, preferably written in lua with the possibility for a tree view and a per-window state so I can toggle it on and off in a window without having to navigate to the same place again. I haven’t found anything matching those criteria at the moment.

For example nvim-tree doesn’t allow for a state per window.

I tried oil.nvim but that doesn’t support a tree view.

Does anyone know of a plugin that satisfies my requirement? If nothing exists I’ll keep using vimfiler but I’m curious to see if anything else exists that implement these features.

    1 year ago

    Imo a file explorer is overrated for neovim. You usually know your files so I just navigate around with telescope. To create a file or directory i just simply use netrw. Here is a good guide on how to learn that properly: netrw guide. Moving files might be a little annoying so I just use the command line from lua with :!mv …