God damned right. Yes, Apex Legends was/is great. Sure. But I’d rather have had more Titanfall. 10000 times over more Titanfall.
God damned right. Yes, Apex Legends was/is great. Sure. But I’d rather have had more Titanfall. 10000 times over more Titanfall.
Have to agree. I’ve played through a couple of times myself and a couple times with friends. Always fun. If you’ve never touched mods on it I recommend taking a look. Will further diversify your playing time.
Do you have recommendations on brands or general pricing info?
I do ‘light’ software development for a SAAS. I use a single ultra wide. It has PiP settings so I can display my personal if I’d like while working, or have everything displayed on the work side as a triple window or dual window setup. The flexibility is great but overall ultra wides are still niche and a general pain in the ass. Good luck getting any game to run more than 90fps when you’re pushing a 5k resolution and 240 refresh.
Rice cooker you should definitely get if you eat rice on a normal basis. You can get them super cheap like $20
There’s a reason it ‘looks very 90’s’ haha https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deus_Ex_(video_game) Game was released in 2000.
Honestly remember seeing this when it was originally being advertised.