That’s how you can draw basic things on the c64. It’s showing the alternative symbols for the key.
That’s how you can draw basic things on the c64. It’s showing the alternative symbols for the key.
Could have been made by someone local. They are likely using the SD card drive by now. I hope… I didn’t get to read the full article as it asked me to sign in and I aborted.
I popped on the SNES with my Super Gameboy cartage for a visiting kid that’s like 7 and he was amazed playing Super Mario World 2. It was a whole new game for him. I wish I could get a cheap working gameboy for kids today, the used market is scam now with the prices people are doing.
I love that we can reencoding the 4k HDR to 1080 while we retain the HDR color information. Looks great to me while saving a ton of space.
What’s TDD?
Ok cool. I was just doing a few encodings manually today and was working on my own encoding application that would be specifically for us usage, but maybe this will be fine as well. Thanks for the work.
Does this support changing color spaces when going from 4k HDR to 1080? I tried this with ffmpeg manually, but gave up and use handbrake.
Definitely need to go back a few years for some stock trades …
Where you rocking the vcr+ codes or manually recording?
This is my take as well, and yet I have an 70+ file PR still pending a complete review… But to be fair that pr required me to change half the code base to change to a new network stackm.
I’m currently on the ZeroMQ boat. What made you go to Rabbit Mq? I need the Pair socket for zeroMq for a project.
Should be listed as 9001. That way IT’S OVER 9000!!!
I use them all the time for contractors and architects. Nothing else …
I recommend Jurassic Park as it is different enough from the movie and a good book. If you want some classic reading, then Dracula is a fun read I think. I enjoy the style of that book with journal entries and letters between friends. It seems ahead of its time to me, but I am likely wrong about this.
Have you read Dracula or Jurassic Park?
I prefer opt in, but I guess that’s a dream.
Some info for others:
Seems odd that ‘dotnet run’ will collect, but ‘dotnet app.dll’ will not.
Yeah, you do have to set the opt out of telemetry for the runtime as the default is opt in…
What about them ISPs?
Yes, you can get a replacement power supply.