
Reddit was awesome. It’s sad what became of it. Jumped ships to use Lemmy as main now.

I love games, gamification and chat roleplaying, socializing with people, volunteering, different lists and difficult topics!

  • 0 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 10th, 2023

  • I’d say if you cannot find content that interests you, go ahead and create content what you’d like to see here!

    I feel like I have created more posts here under one month than ever at Reddit. I’m still a bit sad about the fact that there’s much potentiality to some communities here in Fediverse that seem dead, so I try to kick them around a little with my own posts and see, do they start running also without me a bit later.

    I don’t have that much to post about but I try to come up with stuff once in a while! (I still wonder, is it OK to grab material from Reddit and copy-paste it in here. I asked about it in here but I didn’t get any replies.)

  • I love to create content (comments, posts) that are both thought-provoking of more serious topics, and content for amusement as well. While agreeing on the rules, I want to go and be me (delving bravely in controversial topics as well since I enjoy them too), without trying in purpose to generate only stuff that I know is already-agreeable to folks for gaining only Internet points.

    I know that karma is a double-edged sword - it can give a boost to someone who wants to create good content, making more of it while feeling appreciated…and the same thing for someone who just goes “full s***posting”. Don’t get me wrong - both have their time and place to be important, but…

    …I admit I find myself thinking and wishing for a karma system, repeatedly. I have already counted some of the votes I’ve gotten from my top comments and posts (yes, negatives calculated too!) once. But if the deal just is that there won’t be a karma system because it would create more harm than good, I’ll accept it, continue dreaming and trying to make more content. And calculating my gains once in a while to get any idea of where I’m at 😂 (could be cool if there was an Online tool that did the calculating by entering my username!)