I mean its gpod enough,no? Tp be able to force apple to not use proprietary charging. And i assume data will also be a thing on their products, whether or not it uses the full speed capabilities of usb c dpesnt seem to matter.
I mean its gpod enough,no? Tp be able to force apple to not use proprietary charging. And i assume data will also be a thing on their products, whether or not it uses the full speed capabilities of usb c dpesnt seem to matter.
I recently played through every Deus Ex game on linux, first 2 are oibviously low end, and maybe Human Revolution , it came out in 2011. the original and Human revolution are pretty good if you like rpgs, Invisible war the second game is alright but pretty light on some elements that make those two great, cause it was made i think with thje original xbox in mind instead of pc.
Raisins are good and anyome who thinks otherwise is a stupif fucking pile of dogshit, just my opinion though.