I mean, compared to LabView…
I mean, compared to LabView…
On the flip side, every RPG should have a “Busy Adult” setting that recaps where you are, what you were doing, and possibly even a brief reexplainstion of the controls because you haven’t gotten the chance to play in 7 months.
Every current system of government, lmao.
Not won, but could have had peace quite a lot earlier. Fuck Nixon and Kissinger.
Doesn’t a rather large portion of that come from Mao Zedipshit’s Great Leap Forward?
Honestly, I joined the Star Trek server because it checked all the boxes. Allows down votes, doesn’t block NSFW posts, doesn’t force censorship of words they think are naughty, large enough to be active and have a wide range of subscribers. Funny memes about one of my favorite shows is just a bonus.
The difference here is you were having arguments with someone during development. It’s easy to look at a successful final product and say “that guy had no clue what he was talking about about!”
Bethesda is saying the same thing about their fans, but for a final product that’s not very good. It’s one thing to dismiss criticism during your process, but to dismiss criticism after you present your results is basically saying you are never open to it.
There’s playing with fan expectations; and then there’s taking everything the fans loved, literally burning it on screen, and essentially saying “none of this matters anymore and you were stupid if you thought it ever did”.
leans in close
God, you’re so cool and edgy, bro! Bro, everyone loves when you shove politics into things, bro. Your hot takes are always so fucking on point, bro! I fucking love it!
The other day, bro, I was getting groceries and the cashier asked “paper or plastic?” and another bro behind me chimed in and said “OR sleepy Joe and fascist Kamala?!” and I creamed my fucking pants right there in the store.
Tell me more, bro. You got me so fucking hot, bro. Let’s go to a child’s birthday party and interrupt the happy birthday song by shouting about America’s foreign policy. They’ll be so fucking impressed, bro. And then we can make out over the birthday cake while we explain the failures of capitalism, bro.
God, I’m so hard now, bro. Please, bro. PLEASE! Make me cream myself, bro. Make me cream myself to the sounds of your hot fucking takes on the geopolitical climate, bro! Bro!
If it did, it could only have been a positive effect. From a logistics standpoint, what happened that day is nothing short of astounding. Less than 3 hours after making the decision, the ENTIRE US airspace was cleared of all commercial traffic. 4500 planes were re-routed and grounded at a time of extreme uncertainty. It may have been his first day, but the guy did his job flawlessly.
Proto-chicken laid the egg. It was a proto-chicken egg. The creature that came out of it had enough genetic variance to be defined as a full chicken.
Note, the question does not ask “what came first, the chicken or the chicken egg?” It’s just “the egg”. It doesn’t matter what type of egg, as long as a chicken came out of it.
From that perspective, the egg came first.
the biggest continent
What a big brush you’re using to paint. Zero people, huh? Are you including the Coast Guard with that? How about the Army Corps of Engineers?
There’s always a secret behind the waterfall, and if there’s not, the game designers are wrong.
More that it’s a shitty comparison since there’s so many other drinks that fit that category. Might as well try to say they’re related because they’re both a liquid.
So do a lot of drinks.
Irish Coffee
Nutty Spaniards
Hell, Coke has caffeine in it. So add like every mixed drink to the list.
Are you saying that none of the fun will be in this game?