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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • Solar and wind are not cheap enough

    Solar on itself works between a few less than 8 hours and 16 hours depending on the solstice you are the nearest of.

    And that’s the theorical best.

    Reality is efficiency will drop during summer because of the record temperatures each year and in winter we are seeing more sun (Haven’t seen snow in 7-8 years btw) but the production is still relatively low.

    If you want it to run 24h/24, you need to build batteries which adds more carbon and cost. And that’s on top of the maintenance cost for the panels themselves.

    Wind can work 24h/24 but you cannot predict it long term.

    Wind too strong? We stop the plant. Wind too weak? Subpar production. And with climate change, your expectations on a few years basis can change very rapidly.

    So how do you make sure we produce the same amount of energy with certainty? You build oversized farms more expensive than what you theorically predicted.

    There is also the problem of land.

    A wind or solar power farm requires a lot of land comparatively to nuclear if you want to approach the same power production.

    That land can be occupied instead for housing, farming or anything else.

    Comparatively, a nuclear plant can easily be circled in a few minutes by foot and produce over 1 Tera Watt of energy.

    Once you compound everything, nuclear is the best solution we have at our current technology level but ridiculous anti-nuclear propaganda acts like it is a thing from the demon.(My green party almost closed several nuclear power plants. During the start of the russian war. To open gas power plant instead. Like WTF?).

    So what will the rich people do?

    Refuse to build nuclear because their fearmongering to push gas/oil backfired on humanity and refuse to build solar/wind because we could build 50 Disneylands in the same area.

    I would love them to eat their shit and choose either solution still. But it’s only a dream.

  • I just accept our fate.

    Humanity will probably realize we seriously fucked up around 2050 and near the end of the century mass migration will lead to a death count much bigger than WW2 or the chinese civil wars.

    The only grace is that most of us reading this thread will die from various reason before the second stage.

    I will still do my part by reducing my CO2 footprint but unless we find some miracle technology producing nuclear power plant levels of energy for the cost of a charcoal power plant, shitty world leaders and corporations will ruin everything for fake wealth.

  • Even if you own an instance, the tools are non-existent.

    Some basics things that should be present but aren’t:

    • A user directory for search and deletion
    • Possibility to block communities for your whole instance
    • Basic statistics. Both on the community and instance level
    • Possibility to mute a user without banning them
    • Allow creating a community but only after admin approval (right now it’s free for all or admin only)
    • Easy access to server logs without having to dig directly inside the hosting server
    • Importing block/allow lists for federations using a file or url
    • Adding an administrator from the server admin UI

    The API is also lacking in a way that some of those things are not possible without deploying your own API talking directly with the postgress database.

    For example, if you wanted to see upvote/downvotes for each individual users, the data to calcultate it is in the database but the Lemmy API doesn’t provide that functionality.

    While Lemmy is great as a platform, the management side of is glueing everything together just enough to not let it implode.

  • The issue is that it could still be abused against small instances.

    For example, I had a bit less than 10 bots trying to signup to my instance today (I had registration with approval on) and those account are reported as instance users even though I refused their registration.

    So even if you don’t allow spam accounts to get into your instance, you can easily get blacklisted from that list because creating a few dozen thousands account registration requests isn’t that hard even against an instance protected by captcha.