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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • A few years ago, mid pandemic, I started collecting ancient coins. I was really passionate about it even thinking about finding ways to make it a small after-hours job or such, but I’ve since run into a few walls and have subsequently lost my drive. For example, I wanted to take very high resolution pictures of the coins and then compose a catalog of sorts, but while I have all the gear that I need (camera with a macro lens) my shots keep coming out wrong and I’ve since kind of given up on the idea altogether.

    My entire life is one long succession of passionately started projects that got abandoned either midway or after heavy setbacks. If I ever find one that brings me lasting happiness, I’ll gladly share it, but for now I’m just as much on the lookout as you are.

  • I was once banned from some forums for being “too weird to fit in”. It was a forum for a forming WoW guild prior to its launch in 2004. I remember that it somehow crushed my quirky personality, and I became a bit of a drudge as a result.

    Although I still game, and sometimes online, I’ve never since tried to actually fit in with any group, and have mostly stopped communicating when gaming at all. No voicechat, only chat, and even that very limited. I guess you could say the single experience changed my outlook and enjoyment of online gaming forever.

  • Ground News is a pretty good starting point for someone who wants to get into actuality, especially politics. The bias meter just explains for each article whether it’s from a right-, left- or center-leaning organisation, which usually comes with the attached strings you might expect.

    By offering the articles from several different sources and clarifying where these sources lie on the left-right axis, you can easily see how some subjects in news are downright manipulated/being lied about by certain publications, just because they omit the most important data or skew it in a way to fit their narrative.

  • Funny, I’ve been in my current support/devops role for 9 years and every year I wonder more what the hell I’m doing. It somehow seems like I get dumber/lose knowledge/the field expands much more rapidly than my broken mind can keep up with.

    I feel like a glorified script kiddie most of the time. I couldn’t program my way out of a wet paper bag if my life depended on it.

  • Today is ass. Bored out of my mind, bought Helldivers 2 on Steam and somehow the purchase failed. I have 400+ games on there and have never had a problem before.

    I know Steam’ll put it right eventually, but that does little to alleviate my current boredom & frustration.

    So out of sheer ennui I turned on my work laptop to finish some more support requests (god knows there’s a truly endless amount of those in perpetuity) and apparently a vpn update keeps me from connecting to the corporate network.

    Guess I’ll just go to fucking bed at 19.00 then.