• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • People keep saying this, but what is expected when a minute fraction of the population has such a high rate of being murdered? What is expected when without making any fuss, legislators are constantly trying to legislate trans people out of existence, refusing healthcare, increasing the already disproportionate suicide rate, forcing them to do things that puts them in situations where the chance of being murdered is much higher.

    These sentiments come from such a place of privilege, “I don’t have this problem, why are you getting on stage to shout about this, you should expect to be discriminated against and murdered” if you don’t see anything wrong with that, you should reevaluate your morals.

  • Because I like Windows, and calling it “pathetic” is like saying OSX is for power users. Lol, just, lol.

    I’ve been in the industry for 18 years, I went from an MS Systems Engineer building and managing MS infrastructure for all size companies and enterprises. I’ve been an AWS Cloud Support engineer working mainly on Linux and AWS, I’ve been a devops engineer building and maintaining on prem build systems and web server farms (these used IIS and everything was MS) for a company with insane uptime requirements, I’ve also done similar on AWS with K8s and a whole bunch of other stuff. I’m now a Systems Engineer in a build team for a big company and my primary responsibility is to build and manage the OSX infra we use. During that time I’ve had enough experience of trying to deal with OSX and all it’s BS, which included using a MacBook for a year, that I can say unequivocally that Apple is a shitty company with shitty practices, and Linux can be a pain in the ass to fix when things break in strange ways. But you know what I love about Windows? It just works, I rarely have any issues. If I need Linux, I use WSL or start a VM in the cloud or my machine. I can run pretty much everything I need without issues and I’m a master with PowerShell so can automate anything I need to do on my own PC.

    But you know what? You’re completely right, my career is a failure and I’m pathetic because I use Windows. I should go kms now.