Reddit Refugee

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023

  • I was initially put off by the UI of Lemmy that I encountered when I first went to the Lemmy site. I was a little confused as to which instance to join. That’s when I stumbled upon and that’s where I landed my new account. Overall I am most comfortable here.

    Since joining, I’ve encountered Lemmy posts that take me to their instances proper, and the formatting looked different, more like here just with a different colored background. Overall, Lemmy instances seem okay, I just like it here better.

    Maybe it’s the overall familiarity with the instance, calling main topic pages “magazines,” the microblogging option, etc. Lemmy’s resemblance is a little closer to Reddit, so that might account for why people decided to go there instead of a kbin instance.

  • Destiny went through the same phase as well. Remember how well The Dark Below was received? Granted, Bungie turned it around with The Taken King, and subsequently Rise of Iron, but the seeds of monetization were sown with Destiny.

    In Destiny 2 they just double downed on the microtransaction and monetization creep, which has only grown worse since they left Activision. All of those that thought the monetization was an Activision thing were pretty much wrong…when FTP came along it made sense that monetization was necessary, however the creep over the past few years has been abysmal.

    I play, but it always seems to be to diminishing returns. It’s not really fun or rewarding any longer; Bungie can’t decide who to cater to (casuals or hard-core gamers). They’ve pretty much abandoned new PvP content (no new crucible maps for two years and counting, no new Gambit maps with only four available for play). I paid for this year’s content and admittedly, I’m just thinking about sitting it out entirely and just be done with the game.

  • I’m in agreement with you, however I’m going to also add that the creep to a “pay-to-win” game has pretty much been crossed. Not to forget that Bungie decided to drip feed expansion content laced throughout seasonal content this year…that has not been received well.

    Destiny players are a salty bunch, but I have to say the current level of furor towards Bungie is pretty legitimate right now. They do overreact; I just feel that this in this current state of the game there is justification behind it.

    Regardless, “I hate Destiny; I play every day.”

  • Quite frankly I’m a little anxious about Threads. We all know Meta’s playbook, and 30 million subscribers is a huge influx. At this time I suppose it’s a wait and see. However I do agree that decentralization is strength, and that kbin does have the potential to interface with Threads more because of the microblogging feature.

    I’m personally at an “arms length” stance on the whole thing right now. I don’t trust Zuckerberg & Meta.

  • Not necessarily, however there are questions on compliance with the EU’s Digital Markets Act which went into effect in May,. So the platform has been delayed until Meta determines or gets guidance from the EU to comply with the law.

    The whole reason Threads was launched had everything to do with how Musk has been mismanaging Twitter over the past few months, and most especially the past week. This is why the platform is partly unfinished. Zucks took the opportunity to move up launch to capitalize on Twitter’s mistakes.

    And it looks like it worked.