This is classic right wing “humor”. They get butt hurt because we make fun of them so they think that humor just means hurting the other guys. They try, and fail, and we laugh at them which makes them even more butt hurt.
25 years in the federal government in guns and badges, 22 of those in Corrections, then 10 years in hacker hunting and breach detection, now an information security sales engineer. Homestead farmer, amateur welder, equipment operator, electronic designer, 40 years soldering, husband and father.
This is classic right wing “humor”. They get butt hurt because we make fun of them so they think that humor just means hurting the other guys. They try, and fail, and we laugh at them which makes them even more butt hurt.
That’s awesome. It’s lasted longer than modern flash does.
That’s awesome! I have a MicroVAX-II that hasn’t been powered up for about 20 years. I want to replace the power supplies and see if I can get it up and running at some point. Future project.
I think that they’re a wonder of engineering and I also thing they’re beautiful.
It was a great machine. I was one of only 3 people in my high school who could enter the bootloader code using the front toggle switches so I would regularly be pulled out of class to run down to the computer trim and reboot the pdp-8/e.
It really is. They did so much more with so much less back then. Their code was massive but had zero fat. So much of our software now consists of self-celebration.
Rope memory went to the moon.
Has Google considered making their advertising engine better? Allow us to skip every ad. Allow us to block all those fucking cryptocurrency scam ads. Forcing me to watch an ad for a company that I’m not interested in guarantees that I will hate that company and never buy their product even if I need it. I will go out of my way to buy something from a company that hasn’t tried to ram their advertisements down my throat. If ads weren’t so fucking terrible I might agree to watch them.