We probably don’t agree.
I probably said something you didn’t like.
You look lovely, by the way. New shirt?

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I like girls. I like how they look, I like the way they sound, I LOVE their fashion options. It isn’t really any deeper than that. That said, I’ll usually always play a male character in a Souls title, because [insert valid reason for inconsistency here.]

    EDIT: I guess if I had to further expand on this, I’d say that female characters give me a way to explore options I don’t have as a tall, bearded, broad, ‘built’ man. I’ve always loved cuteness, hyperfeminine fashion, “girly stuff”, and so in addition to just really, really liking girls, video games allow me to explore the cute, feminine avenues I can’t in the real world.

    Also, as another commenter stated, I’d also just rather look at a girl’s ass than a guy’s for the entirety of a playthrough lmao

  • Bingo. If Meta get their foot in the door, then the writing will be on the wall and the Fediverse as we know it today will slowly disappear. These huge corporations have extremely covert and efficient methods of influencing change and instilling their evil values which aren’t fully-apparent until it’s already too late.

    If Meta get involved, personally, I’ll be leaving, and will just accept that the internet will never again be allowed to exist in a free state; the system won.

    EDIT: I also left all social media over two years ago, and this was largely because Facebook was making me remarkably unhappy and angry. I don’t want them in my life full stop and have gone out of my way to rid my digital identity of any ties to corporate proprietary bullshit. I like it here precisely because it has no corporate overlord, and it makes me sick to think that Meta can just waltz back into my life in a space users largely want to be left alone in.