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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • There’s no soulseek integration yet, but that would be a game changer, the collections in there are incredible, especially when trying to find EPs, singles and rarities. We’ve been waiting for a good long while though.

    In the meantime, it’s a lot of work to build a collection, even with lidarr, torrents, semi-private, private trackers and usenet.

    For soulseek, I’d recommend setting a blackhole torrent client that points to the soulseek download folder, them always make sure you download the folder not the files from the share. That will make importing the files a lot easier into lidarr if you choose to keep that as your centralized download tool.

    There are also extended scripts for lidarr that will pull music from various sources as well.

  • The biggest reason I personally use and would recommend Unraid is it simplifies everything, specifically around docker.

    Deploying docker containers? There are community apps where people have set up scripts so all you have to do is fill in the blanks for your set up and bam, your container is deployed and running.

    Managing you can add your own items and fill in your own blanks, or change them and it’ll deploy and remove the old container.

    I’ve used portainer, compose, and looked into runtipi for docker management, and tried out windows server, Ubuntu, proxmox, truenas for HV/VE/OS, and while they all had bits I liked they all lacked something, and unraid had it all or a way to have it.

    The initial reason was ragged arrays for why I chose it ever the others, but now I like its simplicity, and don’t find myself wanting for more control over anything.

  • Depends on how safe you want to get but you could look into VLANing off all your piracy stuff, then VLANing IoT, then the rest on another for security purposes.

    If that’s the case you’d want a good router (Mikrotik for best bang for your buck but most difficult to use, Ubiquiti for the opposite), and a managed switch (I personally love HPE for switches. Their enterprise brand is much better than their consumer stuff). Then you can set that all up in whatever Hypervisor or OS, or whatever you choose to move those all around on the NICs to keep your precious stuff safe.

    For set up, you’ll want to look at the *arr stack. Check out trash guides for a getting started, there’s also servarr for even more info. But with those you can set it to auto download movies, comics, tv, books, audiobooks, all sorts of stuff. Then there’s all sorts of ways to feed it to devices and out into the net to others if you choose.

    But be very very very cautious about that last part, not just for the obvious reasons of laws and whatnot, but when you start to poke holes for allowing stuff out, you could be allowing stuff in. And there’s lots of people who want in. So setting up your external access with credentials, MFA, certificates if you can, my opinion on those 3 is must, should, could respectfully.

    Then you can thing about backups. You should backup your new server once you get it all the way you like of course, but now you can keep your backups of all your computers. So do you want single file backups, directory backups, drive backups, baremetal backups? Some combo? All the above? Who knows it’s all your choice!

    Then you can host databases, services, your own smart tech whatever. It’s a blast. Enjoy it all. But I also recommend looking into docker as well! It’s huge as far as hosting a bunch of services.

    For drive config, depends on how you plan on using your server, and how you plan in dividing up the data between ssd and platter drives, but if it were my set up I’d do raid-10 for both arrays. Reason? Speed and single fault tolerance. Bigger reason? I don’t trust anything with a single copy. 3-2-1 rule. If you have data you need to have protected that can’t stand an array failure, it shouldn’t only be in the array. But that’s just me. I run multiple servers and keep cloud storage.

  • 100% right here with you.

    The main missions were definitely soft and the games overall have their warts, but that base mechanic was pure art.

    You could take all the care in the world and special ops the shit out of it, or you could go in there and Rambo the shit out of it, and each would work or wouldn’t for various reasons and the difficulty scales well enough that you don’t just automatically pick the latter every time.

    Only other games that have scratched that itch have been MGSV, Ghost of Tsushima and Sniper Elite.

    Most games have some variety of this now but those three along with Far Cry build and scale it well enough that feels like an accomplishment over the course of a whole game.

  • Elden Ring.

    I didn’t love the learning/difficulty curve of Soulsborne games until this one, but it got its hooks in me hard.

    I usually spammed most boss fights and played everything a certain way, but here I had to learn the boss’s moves and dodge, parry and use power ups to bring them down.

    Worth it. While frustrating, it made me return to other genres and play them again but differently. Hitman, sniper elite, roguelites/likes, anything that rewards patience, really. These now had a whole new facet I didn’t see before, or I did and I was applying it to these games.

    I’ve since tried other soulsborne games, and while I now appreciate the difficulty and find them a lot more fun, the exploration and world of Elden Ring was the difference maker for me. It was being able to forge my own path and choose my challenges.

  • Nestle: Pull them immidiately out of all palm oil sourcing and switch to alternative sources. Vow to replenish all lost palm trees affected by palm oil deforestation. Stop all uneithical business practices in 3rd world countries and replace them with practices that prop up those communities including educating the next generations so they aren’t only dependant on the money coming from Nestle. Revisit water sourcing for bottling plants to make sure they aren’t affecting locals or local aquifers. Basically just stop the company from making money hand over fist on the backs of other people’s suffering in every way possible.

    Microsoft: Stop all plans of advertising on a paid OS. Stop whatever KPIs are forcing pop ups down everyone’s throats and redesigns every 3 days. In the spirit of WSL2, Open Source. Wherever possible within security limitations open source software. Set the standard. Spend the time to also integrate so much of what the competition has done, especially local OS wise. Focus on user experience rather than KPIs and squeezing more money from users.

    Some unheard of Big Oil Consortium or trust or something, whoever BP and Exxon Mobil and all them go to and are directed by: Oil well cleanups. Stop fracking. Transition in to clean/alternative energy. Ocean clean up and rehabilitation. Basically stop being worse than the bad guys from James Bond movies.