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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Nearly all the rules members need to follow (which can vary from one tracker to another) are about seeding enough. That’s the main universal thing. Not allowing people to “Hit and Run”. For a member to do that, it typically takes dedicating some substantial drive space and seed time. Far more than most people are willing/able to dedicate. This allows the tracker to curate a large library of high quality material. That’s the primary ideology.

    Secondary to that, it has the added benefit of making sure everyone involved is “cool”. Cool as in, not a nark who’s going to get people sued and the site shut down. That used to be a big issue. I don’t know if it is now. I’m kind of out of touch with public torrent sites.

    As to why we’re insufferable elitists? What do you want me to say? Rulers’ gonna rule.

  • New things can and should be built.
    New things.

    Taking something that’s currently good at what it does, and changing it to do something substantially new doesn’t work.

    Google would have been better off, if they created a new service to emulate TickTock rather than shoehorn TickTock videos into YouTube.

    They created Inbox to try to redesign email, rather than mess with how Gmail worked. That was absolutely the right way to do it.

    That’s what your talking about here. Rather than adapt Lemmy to your new idea. Create an entirely new system expressly designed for it. That would really be making something new.

  • I don’t know why some people seem to frequently want something to be something else.
    When one service tries to incorporate multiple (and very different) modes of interactions, it always suffers.

    Lemmy isn’t a chat room. If you want a live discussion you go to Discord or Matrix. Lemmy isn’t that. It shouldn’t be that. I remember when the Lemmy feed would constantly update. Even when It was working properly, it was extremely annoying. Lets let Lemmy be Lemmy. And if you want to engage with people in a different way, go to a service that was designed for it. Specialization is a good thing.