• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • Yeah. Supreme court ruled that political parties post-2016 are private clubs that can do whatever the fuck they want (Supreme Courts ruling on DNC’s ratfucking of Bernie).

    Afaict from DNC rules , Biden needs to release his delegates for the first rounds of voting; from there it would proceed like any convention prior to 1976.

    Honestly, it would be a great thing for the Democrats to do this. All of a sudden people would really fucking care about the election.

  • Yeah its been a journey. My cakeday for the an account I made on ml would be about now, and I think its around a month till this account is officially a year old.

    Its an odd time to be on a platform like lemmy.

    We’re seeing an almost complete adulteration of what we might call the internet 2.0 era sites into walled gardens of exclusion. Effectively, the stealing, en-masse of almost two decades of user generated content. The walls and gates of the gardens we planted get higher everyday; the enshittification of all things.

    And yet here we are. On a self-hosted, federated, unbought, unbroken, and unbent platform. Obviously its not all roses, but for what its worth, both the users and developers have created something incredibly special: A ray of hope in a time where it seems like the world has only been changing for the worse. And while the instances have their differencs, we should be looking to embrace those differences as much as possible, because this is what truly gives the fediverse strength. If its Kbin or Lemmy or Mastadon; or .ml or .world or .blahaj.zone.

    The point of the fediverse isn’t consolidation or control, but distribution and access. There is so much more possible simply because enough of us were willing to make the journey over here. We’re providing the future with an alternative that isn’t tracking them, trying to manipulate them with an algorithm, or to turn them into commodities. There is power in that.

    So happy cakeday. Happy cake season to those who were messing around with a browser plug-in about this time last year, trying to delete their reddit history. Happy cakeday to the developers, to those who post, and to the commenters. And most of all, happy cake day to you dear lemming reading this. You make this place happen.

  • Yeah. It definitely matters. Republicans and voters who voted for him in 2016 or 2020 aren’t a monolith. They are on a spectrum.

    People change. People move on. People use lots of factors to decide what they think the best strategy is going to be.

    There is a kind of recursive/ circular reasoning people use to determine who they support, which is specifically “how likely is this person to be elected?”, their electability. People aren’t willing to support a candidate if they don’t see them as ‘viable’ (which itself is determined in-part by how much support a candidate has).

    Being a felon is just, straight-up, a hit to electability. A felon Trump is fundamentally less electable than non-felon Trump.

    There is some cohort of republican voters that will never move on from Trump. There is some cohort of republican voters that are barely attached to Trump. Most lay some where in between. I would guess that maybe 10-15% of Republican voters won’t ever vote for anyone but Trump. Maybe the same percentage are barely attached to Trump (again 10-15%). If even 3-5% of Republican voters move away from Trump, heck if even 1% of Republican voters can be moved on this, that has big impacts because of the self-feeding nature of ‘electability’. A 3% drop in polling for Trump can very quickly turn into a 5-10% drop in polling.

    This ruling makes it just that much harder for Trump to grow his base.

  • 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕

  • This highlights the importance of anonymity and things like federated spaces on the modern web.

    The tendency for people to want to take credit for their work is also at issue here, but the old Internet has a stronger, “I am my username”, emphasis on anonymity and relatively little credit taking for creativity.

    I think the focus on personalities, and on single platforms gives companies leverage over as a users and creators of the Internet.I think if we were less concerned about ownership and taking credit, and more concerned about distribution and access, we can make it basically impossible for companies to gain leverage over ideas.

    I think also the modern, reactionary view of copyright law is deeply problematic and counter productive. I don’t think the online left quite realizes they can’t can’t have it both ways. Like I get the instinct towards protectionism of small creators, but I think that modern concepts of copyright are fundamentally flawed at both a fundamental legal.level, but also at a conceptual level for what they are ‘pre-supposed’ to protect.

  • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlrice
    2 months ago

    For SteamOS to become the defacto OS for this form factor, they’ll need much more driver support across hardware configurations is my thinking. SteamOS has focused explicitly on the deck and they’ve done a great job with it. If they can extend this to other hardware configurations and convince other hardware manufacturers to go with SteamOS, I see an opportunity here for Valve, which frankly the size of which hasn’t existed since the earliest days of smart phones*. The windows experience that I’ve seen in this form factor is a joke (on top of how bad windows is just out of the box). Its night and day with SteamOS. However, what windows does have going for it is the driver support for all the wacky and wild hardware combinations companies are sticking in these handhelds. Its very much the wild west, which maybe puts Valve in a weaker position.

    I would be interested to know how/if people are trying SteamOS on these other handhelds.

    *In terms of the opportunity, I’m looking at ARM based chips like the M4, and seeing a direct path towards an actual, top tier or at least upper mid tier / next gen gaming experience coming from a handheld. The steamdeck sure AF ain’t that. But I see a technical path towards ‘something’ like that, where you have one of these hyper efficient ARM based chipsets in a handheld, and its performance competitive with some of the current (as in the meme this post is about) hardware like the mid to high tier (comparable to say a 4080). Like, before the deck, the only meaningful handheld with any market penetration was the switch, and that things so anemic, I think my toaster has a higher FPS. And the deck really isn’t even that great. The ROG ally is way better in terms of raw horse power, but the problem comes back to Windows. If you have to run windows on these things, its basically a non-starter, at least in terms of penetrability.

  • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlrice
    2 months ago

    I mean its more than Windows just ‘being rough’. Its windows being a toxic bane, and its the unique smoothness that the steamdeck native experience allows for.

    Honesty, if Valve can focus on their driver game, I’d way rather have a the ROC hardware: its objectively far superior.

    There just isn’t a planet on which I would run Windows on… on frankly anything at this point. I really hope valve goes this way because I truly think they’ve solved maybe the #1 issue of linux which is ‘it just works’.

    If they can extend that to other hardware; it just makes so much sense. Its not like they are really making money on the deck. Their business is still selling games. Its a loss leader to sell more game and grow the PC gaming market. Why not set people up to put it on other hardware?

    I look forward to a day where a handheld is basically a drop in form factor replacement for a laptop. Maybe we can get some ARM chips similar to the M series that can really pump the performance. The future just seems so bright.