Some weird, German communist, hello. He/him pronouns and all that. Obsessed with philosophy and history, secondarily obsessed with video games as a cultural medium. Also somewhat able to program.

  • 4 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 24th, 2020

  • Wxnzxn@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlWho needs Skynet
    2 days ago

    Nice burn, even brought in the “libertarian”, at least be consistent, if I am a Zizekian heretic, I’m not an individualist libertarian who’s afraid of authority, I am of course a liberal anticommunist reactionary who won’t acknowledge the achievements of “really existing socialism”. You strike me as someone who would have written a hit piece on Marx for profiting from British imperialism and his capitalist buddy Engels, citing the letter and his drinking habits to make clear that he is an immature mind, then join some utopian socialist fringe group.

  • Wxnzxn@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlWho needs Skynet
    2 days ago

    Yeah, look, I did read the article, and the article, unlike the person who might very well have done that in their work, did not do that. All I see is the same flipping of materialist analysis into an ideological dogma, that becomes ahistoric, trying to repeat instead of following material developments towards communism. From a quick look at your links, there’s even a lot I agree with, especially in criticising the French intellectuals. It still reads like a polemic removed from reality, that values its own farts more than understanding and working towards change, but it has value. And the article you linked in the beginning does nothing, but try to opportunistically recruit people away from one ideologue (which Zizek can definitiely be called) to another idealist “team” that tries to redirect proletarian material interests and analysis. You seem to think it’s a contest of who can quote “great people” the best and who can be the most orthodox, which treats it all like a religion instead of a material movement to change the world and mode of production.

    In the end, I fear, we will be on other sides of the river, each seeing “their idealist perversions” across from “our materialist analysis”, but I at least won’t cross the river for your side any time soon.

  • Wxnzxn@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlWho needs Skynet
    2 days ago

    If you think that sounds like “Žižekian nonsense”, then you obviously don’t understand what Žižek argues, because he clearly doesn’t say anything silly like “human ideology” (or “Žižekianism”, for that matter). The article you posted also does wonders completely breaking down Žižek as an abonimable human being - while not truly engaging with his ideas. It is pretty worthless, takes things deliberately out of context, and, after rigorously defining him as a persona non grata, invests no proper effort to do what actual communists like Marx and Lenin did - acknowledge that even enemies like that can give contributions to understanding, and things to learn from and work at doing so.

    Does he sometimes spew bullshit? Absolutely. Does he believe in “human ideology” or spout anticommunism on a worse level than The Black Book of Communism, as the article wants to imply? Only if you deliberately misread and misinterpret him.

  • The mining is also usually a really polluting affair for the region, much more than the what power generation might suggest. And overall, in many countries there is a lot of subsidies going on for hidden costs, especially relating to the waste and initial construction. So it is not as cheap as a first look might suggest.

    I’m not against it per se, it is better than fossil fuels, which simply is the more urgent matter, but it’s never been the wonder technology it has been touted as ever since it first appeared.

  • Wxnzxn@lemmy.mltoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlThe meaning of life
    18 days ago

    Life itself, the propagation and continuation of it, the creation of conscious structures capable of experience, reflection and influence over their nature - and ultimately defiance against a cold and dead, seemingly endless universe.

    Or, for people that like the cold universe, there’s a quote I forgot who it came from: “The purpose of life is to waste the energy of the sun”

  • For its time, it was a real classic, and it still has a lot of good elements (English localization is lackluster though, from what I heard.) Back when it was new, I remember all my friends playing it here in Germany.

    If you enjoy an open world RPG with a very immersive, believable world, that has basically every character with schedules, motivations and personality, this still delivers more than even most modern games. Controls are… from a time when control schemes weren’t yet standardized and fully figured out. And combat, while appearing like an action-RPG, is actually above all stats-based, armor and weapons being the most important things to unlock content.

    But overall, I’d recommend Gothic 2 more, it’s basically “the same but better and more”. It’s definitely worth a look to anyone interested in retro RPGs .

  • Oh, oops, that is of course sad :/

    I’m not aware of there being a special build targeting riscv - maybe some searching around could find someone who did one? Other than that, I guess you could try compiling the source yourself - I guess that could end up being an exercise in itself.

    Personally, I started developing in Godot, just fired up a tutorial two months ago and went from there, so unfortunately I am not that familiar with tic80 beyond a very superficial level :/

  • Thank you so much for having a look and giving feedback, it really does mean a lot to me. 😊 Like, seriously, this is basically just a small thing I threw into the void, having people see it and care enough to give feedback gives me a lot.

    Yeah, I do agree with your points, a lot of it stems from the basic design being carried over from how the tutorial was set up. It was very basic, did not finish with anything close to a full game. I mostly decided to build upon it into a short game, because I wanted to develop that as a standard for myself from the beginning of doing this - makes it easier to learn and keep up continuing.

    Most of the download size is basically from just using unmodified assets from both the tutorial itself and a few things I downloaded on top of that, this is really something I will look into for my next project(s). I think it wouldn’t be as egregious if the game itself had more content built from the assets, but I was definitely ready to move on to other things by the end. Same with the boss at the end of the inside level - I thought about giving it proper patterns and phases, but it remained a simple bullet sponge, because I wanted to start on my next project.

    thank you for the Linux export

    No problem at all, I am developing on Linux, and rely on friends to test on Windows 😅 - I have no one that could help me out there for Mac, so I left that one out.

    the non-round collision on the player can lead to getting (partially) stuck when rotating+moving due to position being shifted (getting over it, maybe?)

    Yeah, that one basically was a compromise between either having a huge circle as a hitbox (which felt strange and awkward), or having a separate one for the gun part of the sprite to prevent more cheese like shooting through walls (and weird behaviour with the torch on the gun). But I do agree, it is a suboptimal solution. I tested it for a bit and at least didn’t manage to get stuck properly without being able to get out anywhere, but I fear it might end up being possible somewhere.

    the room being zoomed doesn’t seem quite great (and also makes it seem like a significant thing), but again this is a thing that I know is tied to the tutorial

    Yupp, goes back to the tutorial and how it teaches zooming when entering/exiting trigger areas. I tried to somewhat give it a design purpose to foreshadow/teach about the zoom in the inside level, but it remained feeling a bit suboptimal, I must admit. I was thinking about maybe adjusting it a bit, so I might end up doing that on an update 🤔

    even outside the camera would benefit from some aim shifting particularly vertically when aiming near the top/bottom of the screen

    Oh, yes, that is something I thought about and ended up not doing - and then forgot. It was not brought up in the tutorial, but I think I do know how I could implement that. I should definitely revisit this - especially with how I ended up structuring the design around exploiting range.

    something like the steam vent might me more interesting if the player could walk through/under the steam instead of blocked

    I think I ended up not using it to its full potential, because early on I had not figured out how to properly set the Z index for particles. I agree, that would have added a lot to the atmosphere and could have opened up some interesting design potential.

    the throwable range seems too short for the mega-turrets esp w/current radius.

    This one actually might be due to me testing it too often and getting too good at throwing grenades with the player’s momentum added onto the throwing range. It ended up as a conscious decision to leave it too short when not using that, but I might increase it just a tad bit.

    maybe do this on button release to allow a charged throw (or cooking mechanic) and possibly (optionally?) to prevent misfiring.

    That’s actually a good idea, a friend of mine had some misfires when adjusting the mouse, where she accidentally ended up throwing grenades. Definitely something I will revisit.

    or something else like some amount of proximity and/or some stickiness instead of bouncing

    Yeah, I thought about reducing the bounce but ended up not doing it because it felt “good enough” - I will have a look there again.

    distance is kind of cheesy. Both for how quick enemies can spawn endlessly and for the opposite reason being able to snipe the mega-turrets

    Believe it or not, that was actually a conscious decision. 😅 I thought about how the player could best be forced into not rushing and carefully assessing and then clearing threats, and kiting back enemies and/or using range ended up being what I landed on. I can definitely see it only worked partially, but this would require some fundamental changes, that, to be honest, I don’t think I’ll implement. There also actually is a limit to how many of those bugs can spawn, but it might be too high 🤔

    spawners can be a bit annoying and maybe could use some behavior changes/variance

    Agree. To a certain extent, they were meant to be annoying roadblocks, but I guess I ended up going a bit overboard. They were the first enemy I created myself (as the tutorial itself did not cover spawning, and I wanted to look into how to implement it), and I at several points thought I should probably revisit them. I ended up not doing that, and it shows.

    The chest and ammo situation is something that has come up several times in feedback I got from friends, with conflicting points of view. 🤔 I heard both that discovering chests without them being highlighted feels rewarding, and on the other hand, the points you brought up. I tried to design the very first area in a way, where the player is somewhat guided to them (with the item near the starting point guiding the player down, and a bug placed in a way where a missed shot will end up opening the chest[s] that are illuminated). I’m still not entirely sure how to handle that situation, to be honest, but I agree that running out of ammo at the moment is unfortunately just frustrating with no real rewarding way to overcome it - at most you can try to kite one of the alien scout or infested zombie enemies to the chest and make them fire into it.

    Side-note definitely with what you’re working with: the top-down 2D/gritty Armor-Games style is one I can respect but also one that always seemed hard to read (like the angle/satellite-view just sort of makes everything feel unidentifiable unless it is really used carefully).

    100% agree, I personally never quite liked the style, to be honest. For what I’m currently working on, I am going with a more retro but also more readable pixel style (with the added benefit that I can reasonably create assets in that style myself, even though my lack of talent and experience in the art department does shine through.) It stems from the assets provided with the tutorial, and I don’t think I will end up redoing any of that from the ground up.

    Again, thank you so, so much. Genuinely made me smile and giddy to see someone having a closer look and leaving feedback. I hope even with the frustrations, you had a bit of fun while playing. Updates will be coming - although I don’t think there will be any that can fundamentally do away with all the issues. It’s more that I want to hold myself to the standard of supporting a project, instead of just dropping and forgetting about it, while I learn game development.