I actually got them from my windows partition. It was very easy. I copied them from C:\Windows\Fonts to the .fonts folder in my home directory.
I actually got them from my windows partition. It was very easy. I copied them from C:\Windows\Fonts to the .fonts folder in my home directory.
with microsoft fonts installed I actually found that libreoffice displayed the docx file I wanted to edit better than onlyoffice.
When I first wanted to try Linux out I made a small 50gb partition for it. the logic was that this was the size of just one game and it was an entire operating system, so I wasn’t losing much. As I continued to use Linux I kept expanding that partition to correspond with the priority I gave the OS.
Well that’s stupid 😂
Snapdragon is a type of flower. It’s a lovely name in my opinion.
That’s horrendous
How was the patent approved if it already existed tf.
Last I checked they are lmfao. The US is Israel’s patron empire. Without the US propping it up Israel would be on the brink of collapse if not already nonexistent. The US has almost complete authority over Israel. It is the US’s loyal dog.
Like murder what we are very likely to learn is 100,000 Palestinians.
I don’t put certain things like dishes that contacted raw eggs in the dishwasher so that won’t happen. I’m still learning what the optimal way to use a dishwasher is though. This smell has a name in Arabic, زنخة (zanakha).
Instead of actually talking about it you’re lazily using it to deflect criticism of unsustainable cryptocurrencies. Your input was worthless.
For me this is Gnome with the pop shell extension. It’s so much better than plain i3 in usability and just as good with tiling. Using i3 for years made me appreciate the value of a proper modern desktop environment.
You get to complain to Nvidia, not Linux developers and maintainers.
I want to highlight a practical usecase for password management with open source tools. Keepass (gnome secrets on computers, and keepassdx on mobile) with syncthing syncing encrypted password files between the devices. Very effective so far. Passwords are synced seamlessly.
xdg-open is one of the most used commands on my system. Video files, movies, pdfs, etc if I want to use the default application to open anything I use it. No need to memorize each application’ commands.
Gnome + pop shell extension. Normal i3 tiling keybinds. All the following bindings include super. w for tabbed layout, f1 for calculator, f2 for Firefox, f3 for nautilus, f4 for settings, f5 for package manager. D for search which I can use like dmenu but much better. Shift+s for screenshot. Shift+q to quit application. I program with in the terminal so I need tiling for keyboard-only use. when I first used i3 I underrated tabbing. It solved nearly all of my problems with tiling.
I would’ve agreed when I used i3 and no desktop environment, but now that I’m running gnome on fedora? I completely disagree. The user experience on gnome is far more coherent, intuitive, and less convoluted than on windows.
“Linux” isn’t doing that because it’s not a centralized capitalist entity like google. Red hat is the best positioned entity to do it but I’m not sure if they have the ability to lobby manufacturers, sign deals with them, and market the platform like google did. There has to be a strong centralized drive towards this. If the Linux sector supports the idea, a central org has to be formed to do it and the whole sector has to support it.
I want to point out that the changes you are talking about, minimize/maximize buttons and docks, are actually big changes to the workflow of a desktop environment. How hard would it be to remove those buttons and the standard dock on windows? Harder than it is with gnome I think. Gnome isn’t windows and it’s used differently from windows. It shouldn’t be expected to accommodate windows’s workflow.