Cybersecurity professional with an interest in networking, and beginning to delve into binary exploitation and reverse engineering.

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 27th, 2024


  • I think the decision itself highlights the dichotomy between the EU’s push for the right of digital privacy for citizens of its constituent nations when using products and services and the EU’s push to have unrestricted insight into the digital lives of those same citizens.

    You can’t have digital privacy from select third parties only, it’s an all or nothing thing. If you don’t want your citizens to be tracked and their browsing data sold, don’t allow websites or ISPs to track that data. If you don’t want that data to be sold, but you want it tracked and accessible to the government then call it a right to not be monetized, not a right to privacy.

    I agree that the article itself is pretty duplicitous as well. None of rhetoric direct sources they quoted seemed to have anything to do with piracy.

    Out of curiosity, is copyright infringement a civil matter instead of a criminal matter in all EU member states? I only ask because I thought there were some EU member states where copyright infringement was explicitly not a legal violation, civil, criminal, or otherwise.

  • if you’re sending it in a single message the ellipses don’t make any sense. just use a single period, even of you don’t capitalize the beginning of the sentence. the ellipses thing is a contrivance that’s attempting to address a nonexistent problem in this case, and actually creates problems due to how most people interpret them.

    if you’re rapid firing single sentences as individual messages in teams or something, the discrete message bubbles take the place of the ellipses. just don’t use any punctuation at the end of the sentence/message. also you’ll probably have people wanting to beat your face in with their phone that won’t stop vibrating.

    “cutting it with ….” takes more keystrokes than a single period on your part, and leads to many people assuming you’re either a chronically stoned sloth or a sarcastic dick. i don’t understand why anyone who uses ellipses isn’t doing everything in their power to break that habit. someone needs to make a no ellipses site in the vein of

  • I mean you do you, but there’s always a trade off with these types of things (usually security at the expense of usability), so most people would be better served by taking stock of their activities, the risk caused by those activities, then mitigating that risk to an acceptable level. If acceptable to you is cruising around to mcdonald’s parking lots so you can bounce off their wifi like you’re taking the risk of ordering weight more power to you, but just know that from a risk mitigation perspective you’re implementing controls way out of line with the actual risk. Probably, depending on your local laws etc idk i’m not you.