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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I still remember what my mother said to me when I got a girlfriend. “Use a condom.” That was it. No pretending it wasn’t going to happen.

    As for drugs, my family never liked them. They never told us kids, but my father had an issue with opiates that’s cost him his job and medical license. My older brother also had an issue with opiates.

    I used to do a lot of research on erowid on drugs. Between my brother and I it was a lot of don’t be stupid, do your research on what’s safe and what interacts with each other, and stay away from opiates.

    For the most part, it wasn’t talked about much in my family, other than my older brother my younger brother and I didn’t gravitate to them too much or hang with people who did. I ended up getting really into weed for a short time, because that’s where my ADHD hyper focus hobby was for a few months. Then I realized I didn’t like not being sober that much.

  • Lol as if cutting my lawn is fun. Or that I’d even want to join your party.

    It’s hypocritical to think that your loud noise when Im trying to sleep is okay but my loud noise when you are trying to sleep isn’t.

    But this is life living with other people that don’t sleep the same hours as you. Sometimes shit is going to inconvenience you, and I’ll do what I can to minimize it. But I’ve got shit I need to get done too and I’m just not going to not do it because it might suck for someone for an hour of their week.

  • Cool. No loud parties after 9pm then? Or is inconveniencing my sleep okay because you do it at night?

    I’ve got one day a week I can do yard work, and only until 9am until it hits over 90° out. Sorry, buddy. But you might have to deal with some noise. Wish we could all live in perfect harmony. But until then you have to deal with some shit you don’t like and I have to deal with some shit I don’t like and we’ll do our best to not inconvenience each other too bad.

  • Mindful and considerate, yes. But that doesn’t mean I put my entire day on hold for people that don’t get up until 10 or 11.

    8am is pretty reasonable start to the day for me.

    But I also believe that people bitching and saying no loud noises before 10am are being just as selfish as the people who get up and do yardwork at 6am. If someone has a problem or some extraordinary reasons for wanting it to stay quiet later, they can talk to each other and try to find a compromise.

    And out of 7 days, if you are only being inconvenienced for a couple hours maybe that’s something you should be more tolerant of.

  • I stole some beers at a party once. A friend and I weren’t feeling the vibe, took a few bottles and went somewhere else. I feel bad about it, he was a good dude and didn’t deserve that.

    I got trashed at my 23rd birthday party a friend threw at her house. It was mostly people she knew, but as I was passed out someone stole my wallet.

    My brother stole quite a bit from me during the height of his addiction. He’s been clean for several years now though. I’m glad I’ve got him back.

  • Fucking tech solutions to a manager problem. The manager should care about the metrics of wait time and client satisfaction.

    If waits are low and satisfaction is high. Then who gives fuck all about what techs do in between calls.

    Metrics like calls per tech or average length of calls could be used to better understand tech efficiency. Or even rings before pickup. A good pbx can help ensure calls are relatively equally spread between techs. This helps keep one tech from over working for another slacking off. You can have utilization goals so that you aren’t under or over staffed (I’m of the opinion that a techs utilization should be roughly 75-80% and they should have downtime in their shifts to prevent burnout.)

    It’s stupid, inhumane, and impossible to expect an employee to track, bill, and work 100% of their shift.