Or you want to communicate that a highly upvoted thing isn’t unanimously supported, but you don’t want the tsunami of downvotes that comes with leaving a comment that says you disagree.
Or you want to communicate that a highly upvoted thing isn’t unanimously supported, but you don’t want the tsunami of downvotes that comes with leaving a comment that says you disagree.
I’d say price is definitely a factor. I already pass over good cuts of meat for that reason. Also taste/texture/overall experience. If it checs those boxes, and it has been on the market long enough to be confident I won’t get instant cancer, then 100%! A little marbled fat makes it better though.
This. I’m in the US and was fully prepared to protest whether Harris or Trump won, I’m opposed to them both in different ways. Trump and team may get me off my ass very quickly though.
The only way they’ll get rid of most of the guns is by searching property to property. Many won’t comply with unconstitutional bans. And they don’t have the agreement to change the constitution about this. Too fucking bad, the working class will remain armed. I wish ammo hadn’t gotten so expensive though.
I quit consuming the Hollywood product almost a decade ago. I watch a lot of small content creators though. I met my wife working at a movie theater, but I’ve seen a movie in a theater maybe twice in the last ten years. I occasionally watch a show with her but if I’m by myself I don’t have any desire to consume their product.
There are no jokes in this thread
The OOP yes, the person who shared this here is suggesting the terrorists were almost heroes, but not quite.
I agree there are solutions, I have lived in places with great options. But getting things changed here is very slow and for now you still can’t walk or bike, and there are no buses or trains.
Okay I still can’t go anywhere without a car tho
How do people living with no PT or AT options stop driving?
Also, the working masses must remain armed to prevent even further class slavery.
Same story, except I have used Connect from day one.