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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • enjoying personal freedom : not subject to the control or domination of another

    Merriam webster dictionary definition 2D.

    That is a definition people use when discussing libre software. The software is under YOUR control. If adobe says “fuck you, you don’t get the brush tool anymore” thats it for the brush tool. If gimp gets rid of a feature in the main branch, you can say “no fuck you I like this tool” and can just keep the code base that included it still.

    Also you have a rather perscriptive understanding of language, which just simply isn’t how language works. Languages evolve over time. Open up a dictionary and see how many definitions are listed as antiquated. Those are definitions that aren’t used anymore as they fell out of favor.

    Now get off your high horse about how words aren’t the same as they used to be or how words are frozen to definitions.

  • sigh

    Mission hill, a show you’ve likely never heard of, back in 1999 had two characters named Gus and Wally. They were the upstairs neighboors of the main cast though Gus and Wally did have their own episode (the show only ran for 1 season and had 13 episodes) as well as having some side plots in other episodes. Now the very first scene they’re in they are making out.

    Let me repeat that, back in fucking 1999 there was an openly gay couple in an animated show who were functionally main characters. They weren’t the perfect couple, they acted like your old married coupke, but the show never once made them being gay a joke, a bad thing, or anything of the sort. They were treated respectfully as flawed humans who loved each other for the show’s entire run.

  • See, it’s this trying to be overly friendly nonsense I hate about JS. If you need semicolons, demand them. Don’t make it seem like you don’t then make your code break because it hudes that you do. My first orogramming job was at large multinational japanese motor company and they had a hard rule over no in house exe’s or opensource software. So the compromise was doing everything in JS. JS refused to listen to me on doing a single threaded for loop, just run the loop, wait a moment, run the next one, wait a moment…

    JS, don’t help me, just do as I say

  • The biggest problem I think people have with loss is it is a huge tonal and emotional shift from the rest of the comic series.

    The guy is a really annoying tone deaf weirdo who only cares about games for the longest time. A lot of the punchlines ib the comics were “violence”. Finally gets a GF, and treats her kinda poorly on the comic, and then bam loss comes out. It feels a bit like whiplash and is trying to be serious and sad when it never was serious or sad, but “”““zany””“” and non consiquential.