• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • There’s one good use case for me: produce a bigload of trialcontent in no time for load testing new stuff. “Make 2000 yada yada with column x and z …”. Keeps testing fun and varied while lots of testdata and that it’s all nonsense doesn’t matter.

    I’ve found that testing code or formulas with LLM is a 50/50 now. Very often replying “use function blabla() and such snd so” very detailed instructions while this suggested function just doesn’t exist at all in certain language asked for… it’s still something I’ld try if I’m very stuck tho, never know.

  • i dunno, especially the music is really vast availability of full albums etc. Youtube + ublock is kinda my go to music. Used to search and store gigabytes, but it’s just not the same, not as easy. If youtube dies (ergo: it succeeds in blocking adblocking and third party such as newpipe), i’ll have a hard time finding alternatives tbh, that are just as user friendly.

  • you’re better off teaching your kids how some things work, what might be safe to do online and what might be less safe, what possible implications for right holders and creators there might be if you pirate (and that those right holders and creators are often not the same people). Teach them to think for themselves if it’s worse to pirate a 35 yo movie you can’t find on dvd anymore, or a brand new movie that’s still showing in the local cinema. All of this is better than just telling kids “piracy is bad mmmkay!” and then letting them roam free so they start pointing and clicking utter bullshit and using a virus infested os.

    Tldr: educate children, talking about piracy is part of it.

  • Sure, it’s mostly BBC and mostly science.

    My all time favorite podcast is Elements. It’s from 2014-2016, but still worth the listen! Every episode explores an element or a group of similar elements on the periodic table. Physics and chemistry is often very theoretical and weird and hard to understand (for me), but in this podcast it gets very applied and business oriented: which industry uses this stuff, why, how …? It was my gateway-podcast into the BBC really.

    • The documentary podcast: I often don’t listen, it very much depends on the subject
    • witness history
    • Discovery: same, depends on subject
    • The food chain
    • 50 things that made the modern economy
    • Unexpected elements
    • Hidden brain (shankar vedantam)
    • Radiolab (WNYC studios)
    • The climate question
    • Sliced bread

    One that doesn’t really fit the others but i liked very much: death in ice valley.

    And then a few in german and dutch language, mostly politics/society, i’m just gonna assume you don’t understand dutch or german ;)

    Care to share some of yours?