20, they/she, math+CS student

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Honestly my main issue with Manjaro is still that they hold updates for a week or two for “testing” which tends to break certain AUR packages. I’d be less mad if the testing actually amounted to anything, but half the time they basically do nothing, and if there were any bugs Arch has released updates that resolve them already, which you won’t get for another week because of their update schedule. Anytime anyone talks about being interested in Manjaro, I just recommend they get EndeavorOS instead, it’s basically stock arch with a fancy installer and sane defaults which is great for anyone who mostly knows what they’re doing with Linux (or is at least capable of opening a terminal window and pasting error messages into google or, failing that, ChatGPT and following basic instructions)

  • Anything with a recent kernel is fine. If you’re not very experienced, I’d recommend something like Fedora or OpenSUSE (both semi-rolling releases so you’ll get new kernels, graphics drivers, etc. but less likely to break for no reason than arch/gentoo derivatives).

    Manjaro is fine if you don’t use the AUR, but arch/manjaro repositories on their own will be inadequate, and it will be so easy to get what’s missing from the AUR, which will eventually break something. This is because Manjaro holds back arch Linux updates for a week or two for “testing” purposes, but the AUR expects precisely the latest arch packages. If you’re thinking about Manjaro, do EndeavorOS instead. It’s the same thing (arch Linux with a more user friendly installer and relatively sane default apps/configs) with infinitely less hassle. Plus there’s really no point to using an arch-based distro without the AUR imo.

    Garuda is also cool, I haven’t used it myself, but it’s supposed to be another preconfigured version of Arch more targeted towards gamers. YMMV, I’d probably just stick with EndeavorOS.

    If you want an Ubuntu or Debian derivative, I’d go with Pop!OS. It’s basically Ubuntu without all the Ubuntu bullshit (snaps ludicrously out of date packages, etc), and they keep the kernel and video drivers pretty recent, unlike stock Ubuntu. Plus they have a cool desktop environment. Currently it’s a fork of GNOME, but they’re working on rewriting it from scratch and are making great progress, which will be interesting once it’s more developed.

  • I feel like the most likely sort of collapse would be a Roman empire style collapse where it takes centuries to reach completion and we see a period of increased governmental instability/local authoritarianism for a little bit. The most likely cause would be some sort of climate disaster. It probably wouldn’t happen everywhere either, the Byzantine empire lasted well into the middle ages, after all, going on the Rome metaphor. The best strategy would be to move somewhere less effected by the collapse with a hospitable enough climate to support local food production, and enough resources to ensure long-term maintenance of infrastructure. The Great Lakes area of the US/Canada fits this pretty well

  • Yeah, like 98% of the times something broke while updating, it was something to do with ZFS, because the ZFS drivers aren’t in the kernel for licensing reasons, and there’s always a specific latest kernel version they’re compatible with that’s 1-2 versions behind current. Also the initramfs would sometimes get rebuilt without ZFS if there was a version mismatch, which prevents the system from booting properly, but it’s Fine because Half the Point of ZFS is snapshots.

    Someone using arch in a more sane way than I was would probably have no issues (unless they use proprietary Nvidia drivers, which will VERY occasionally break, but that’s nbd).

  • This is true, but the casualties are hitting the population of Gaza indiscriminately, and the median age there is only 18. So you’re still killing half children. Even if the ranks of Hamas are heavily stacked with 16-17 year old kids (in which case indiscriminate killing of them would still be better to avoid, it’s not like child soldiers are really capable of consenting to the risks of armed conflict), there’s no way the majority of the deaths are actual Hamas combatants.

  • You can literally see Gaza City leveled on satellite maps, very few buildings are left standing. Even if Isreal hadn’t killed a Single civilian, tens to hundreds of thousands would eventually die of exposure because they have nowhere else to go, their homes have been destroyed (Egypt isn’t willing to take Gazan refugees and it seems like neither is anyone else in the area).

    The infrastructural damage alone is enough to indirectly kill 10s of thousands minimum in the long run. And of course Isreal has been striking civilians, so the total scale of the civilian life lost will be much larger than that.