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“Up to the Twentieth Century, reality was everything humans could touch, smell, see, and hear. Since the initial publication of the chart of the electromagnetic spectrum, humans have learned that what they can touch, smell, see, and hear is less than one-millionth of reality.” -Bucky Fuller

  • 3 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 26th, 2024

  • Oh snap, thanks for catching that! I edited the title.

    As a cleverly written and somewhat complex personal story, Infinite shines. It’s got compelling characters that make you care, and then it puts those characters through the wringer in their search for contentment.

    That’s a great point I hadn’t considered, and can’t believe I hadn’t. Rapture felt like its own character to the story in a way that Colombia never really did, but it’s undeniable how well-done the characterization between them was.

  • As McLuhan put it, “the medium is the message” and video games inherently work better through a synthesis of gameplay and story, without one dominating over the other. Games that lean too far in one direction or the other (Metal Gear Solid’s interminably long cut-scenes for instance) take you too far out of the gaming medium and too far into other, more detached mediums.

    Absolutely banger take, I agree completely. Games have a difficult needle to thread, unlike a book or movie that can be strictly narrative-based, a video game has to somehow give the player enough agency while taking it away to allow the story to progress. And now I have DND on the mind again.

    I’m reminded of a comment my older brother made about Final Fantasy X, all those years ago. He described it as basically playing a movie. Go figure, I liked the cutscenes!

  • That’s great! I remember myself enjoying the gameplay a lot, and it ran surprisingly well on my PC at the time. Any thoughts beyond that, anything about the article specifically? The article isn’t over here saying, “This award-winning game was bad!” it’s more so trying to take a closer look at the story and themes of the game as a whole from a 2024 perspective and how our current world can reflect them. Though to be fair ™, it is definitely meant to be a click-bait article that’s part of a greater “Spicey Takes” section.

  • There’s that word again: accident,an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance.

    But the presence of a task force of public servants who close streets, push debris out of lanes, sweep glass off of car seats, tend to injured commuters and assemble totaled cars on a City Towing truck indicates that the circumstances of this crash are foreseen, in fact, expected. What I witnessed that night was a publicly funded apparatus, augmented by private medical companies, that exists because we know these crashes will happen and have planned around them.

    This was a great read, thank you for sharing. Articles like this make me feel less crazy, that the society I’ve found myself in isn’t normal just because it exists in its present state.