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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • See, when I was in school, they didn’t teach fail fast and if anything they told you not to. Nowadays, we have moved past that nonsense. I gave it a shot about a year ago, and it has made me a better programmer. I am not going to sit there and count braces, but things are a lot easier when you get the error cases over with and out of the way.

    There are always going to be exceptions, but I have personally found a lot of value in using ‘fail fast’, and making more smaller methods that say what they do. I am not always great at that second part, but it is a process. As someone with severe ADHD, it has made it a lot easier to work through problems. Sure, you can end up with more lines of code, but who cares. Compiler should be optimizing most of that shit out anyway.

  • 🐍🩶🐢@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlJust use Firefox
    1 month ago

    Thank you. I admit I don’t use Firefox right now due to issues I ran in to during my trial run earlier this year. Once the battery drain issues are fixed on the Android client I can at least switch back to it on my phone.

    My company surprised me last week as we did an install and things didn’t work right in Firefox for the customer. My boss and the team are committed to fixing it and doing better on browser testing. There was not a moment of hesitation on this decision. We of course told them to use Edge, Safari, or Chrome in the meantime, but by no means are we throwing it on the bottom of the “fix” pile. Team is almost done and ready to send to QA. Super proud.

  • Like other posts, Factorio. You will lose sleep. Set timers…

    Proton and Vulkan make most things easy-ish if you are using Steam. Note that there is a little properties button on the game page that you probably need to use to force it to use Proton so it will install. Proton DB is your friend. Lutris + Wine is pretty good too. Proton is just Wine with enhancements.

    You may find Helldivers a lot of fun too, especially if you can play with friends. It is suitably ridiculous in the best way and is sort of human vs aliens/robots. All of the humans (us) play on co-op teams to bring Democracy to the universe. There is a game master from the company that makes it that is leading the war against us. Like I said, suitably ridiculous. Most of my friends are playing it nightly and it will be a big part of our LAN party this weekend.

  • I will happily defend you on this point. Down vote away people. As long as you don’t shove past the rows in front of you or bonk me with luggage, we good. I try to remember the passengers who had to store luggage father back and see if I can get it passed forward. I will totally boss people to sit back down if someone needs to get to the front ASAP due to close connections. If it is going to be a while, I will try to grab my backpack and sit back down.

    Now, people with oversized rollerboards? Yeah. I get pretty irritated over that and the vast number of issues that causes with boarding and deplaning. The airlines make it worse with price hikes. I personally check all of my luggage and rarely run into issues. If I have any major concerns I will throw a couple things into a bag that will fit under my seat or FedEx it if we are really going there.

  • I think most other comments cover the important bits, so I will try not to repeat them. I have been using a M1 MacBook Air since they came out and I love it. The battery life is great, the desktop environment is very clean and unobtrusive, and I don’t have to fight with it very often. I use brew to install my FOSS stuff. I certainly don’t pay for anything extra. Only major complaint is the way they do the windowing. Don’t know the right word for it. Maximize, minimize, “alt-tab”, and snapping to half/quarter/etc like Windows isn’t great in comparison and pretty lacking. Thankfully there are 3rd party applications such as Rectangle and AltTab that make it better. I haven’t used Stage Manager as it doesn’t fit my workflow.

    The only other OSs I use at home are Debian and Arch. Those cover any additional gaming I might want to do, but they are primarily servers. I use GeForce Now for everything else.

    I tried a W11 on a VM and I cannot describe the amount of hatred I have for it. I feel like I am fighting with the OS at every turn. I don’t really have a problem with W10 from a generic user experience, other than that advertising BS they keep trying to sneak in.

  • I gave Manjaro a shot recently and Bluetooth was 90% unusable for anything but my mouse. Keyboard? Nope. Headset? Nope. Other headset? Nope. Bluetooth speaker? Nope. Unfortunately, it is a brand new Intel motherboard, so I can’t even get WiFi as athk12 or whatever isn’t really done. I was shocked I could get bluetooth to work at all. Sound wasn’t that great through a USB headset either, but then I could at least hear people. For me, I can really only use trackballs now and the USB port on the mouse is for charging only. Bluetooth compatibility is very very important to me and it still being shitty on any system in 2024 blows my damn mind.

    Only other potential issue would be something with how Proxmox is doing passthrough, but I had just as much trouble pairing with Debian underneath through the terminal as I did with the Manjaro VM. On another note, the GPU passthrough is amazing and I had a good time playing games for the first time on Linux. This machine was never intended for gaming, but I thought it would be fun to take a server to a LAN party. Sliger case for the win! Just a 3U.

  • 🐍🩶🐢@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlTarget Acquired
    6 months ago

    While I am not super tall, I am heavy. The one time I got to fly international first class was the first and only time I could sleep on a plane. I got a nice large bourbon, fluffy comforter, pillow, and burrito-ed myself in that pod. It was utterly glorious. I was glad that I wasn’t paying for it… Was something around 4k for a 5-6 hour flight.

    If the flight is international and sufficiently long, getting better seats is worth it. Better food. Free booze. Lounge access (it depends…). More space. If the price is right, get first.

  • I wonder if the $300 is sort of like extra startup money to get better hardware, infrastructure, software improvements in the short term. I honestly have no idea. I pop on there sometimes to watch the full length videos from YouTube and there is some really great content, but not necessarily enough. Their UI/apps could definitely use some work, though I have not checked recently.

    I really hope they continue to run and it looks like I need to catch up on some content. I took a break from most YouTube/TV/etc. I cancelled all of my other subscriptions, but I have no reason to not support a company like Nebula, especially at their price points.

    I am not going to debate the ethics of piracy or people’s justifications for or against it. It isn’t productive. I do think this is an instance where you are better off paying for a month than spending a lot of time trying to get it another way. Sometimes, I like to put things in the perspective of I make X dollars an hour, how many man hours did I spend to do X task? Cost benefit analysis. This isn’t always practical, thus the “sometimes”.