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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I don’t particularly care about them and they seem mostly useless at my company. We don’t have any onsite HR reps that I know of, everything is more or less done electronically with them, and we end up performing most of the “normal” HR functions within our dept by ourselves. The only reason I know HR even exists is because we have to fill out our own performance reviews every year and we have these dumb SMART goals they make us do, which are the bane of my existence.

  • You might try finding a classroom or area that isn’t being used on a consistent basis. So maybe the band practice area or an arts/crafts class or library or some place, you may want to check with a teacher beforehand. It can be hard with school though, depending on how locked down they have you. For myself personally when I was in school 20+ years ago, I was able to retreat into myself with headphones and music, I was able to block everyone around me out no matter where I was at. Sometimes you can even just walk the halls, walking by itself has been my go-to therapy methods, just walk away and get a change of scenery for awhile. Everyone needs mental health breaks if things are getting overwhelming.

    Also, remember that school essentially stops mattering after you get out. Yes, it’s important to graduate and get a diploma, but you’re likely to rarely see those same people ever again after you graduate. I’m 43 and I still have days like that where it feels like no one cares, and I’ve got a partner with kids, it’s tough sometimes.

  • Sure, there’s plenty that could be done, but chances are nobody that has the power to affect change is going to start taking substantial action on it until things get absolutely catastrophic. I imagine we’ll some sort of environmental 9/11 moment, something like a major American city gets flooded and rendered permanently uninhabitable, and then suddenly everyone will be like, “Holy shit, this is bad, like bad-bad.” And then we’ll start seeing actual serious action on it. Before that though, it’s something that will see half-hearted action or non-binding resolutions or platitudes or wishy-washy carbon offset schemes, but little that actually forces companies to stop polluting. We see more forceful action taken against environmental protesters than against corporate polluters.

  • How much easier it’s gotten and most of what you download nowadays is usually exactly what you’re looking for. In the 90’s/00’s, alot of what was pirated had the potential to just be total BS or mislabeled, so you were never entirely certain what it was you were getting. I think Madonna had even gotten into it and released a one of her own albums as a fake download with her telling the listener “What the fuck are you doing?” At the time I mostly got music, though the Dreamcast pirating scene was pretty big for me for awhile. I think anymore though I’m probably more interested in obscure RPG books now.

    I think with torrenting, there’s a certain amount of trust that’s inherent with some torrents by virtue of the number of downloads/seeders there are on a torrent. At least for me, I can assume, ok, there’s 100 people seeding this thing, chances are this is exactly what it says it is, otherwise this many people wouldn’t be still seeding it (you can fool some people some of the time, or something like that). I don’t pirate nearly as often as I did when I was younger, but now I feel the need to use protection (via a VPN) because you just don’t know who might be watching. In my entire time having pirated stuff over multiple decades, I had only ever gotten a single letter from my ISP, so it’s not something that I ever felt particularly afraid of, but you never know and it’s better to be safe about that stuff.

  • I use tagging for sorting media that falls into multiple categories and defies normal hierarchical methods. I didn’t know about tagging users on Lemmy though, but I don’t know that I honestly will use it ever. You’re all just random people talking into the void, hell, half (or more) of the people here may very well be bots, I don’t know. The idea of tagging people based on past interactions seems a bit weird to me I guess (not that I don’t see uses for tagging for organization in general).

    Edit: actually, I don’t even know if user tags are supported by Voyager, the main app I use to access lemmy. So, that too.

  • I’ve run into exactly the same issue with my large ttrpg ebook/pdf collection (+100k file data hoarding… it’s not a problem, I swear) and I’ve not really found a good option I’m entirely happy with. Calibre duplicates everything and I don’t like the thought of having my collection’s organization tied to a specific piece of software if I just delete my duplicates. Plus I’m elitist and think the UI/logo are gross to look at.

    Zotero is the least worst option I’ve found, but it’s geared towards scholarly journals and such, so not great, but serviceable. Not sure if it’s on linux though.

    Jellyfin is apparently able to handle ebooks with a plugin, though I didn’t particularly care for it when I tried it months ago.

    There’s a handful of other ebook software out there, mostly geared towards comics/manga, so depending on what you have those might be worth looking for.

    I’d like to use Obsidian for it and just turn the directory into a vault and let it automatically scan the folders for files, but that doesn’t work great either.

    The best piece of software I’ve seen that could potentially handle it is an app called Stashapp… which is unfortunately geared towards adult film. But it’s feature-set if it could be applied to PDFs seems like it would be ideal.

  • Rumspringa is a rite of passage for the Amish, I think they’re saying you’re disconnected from society, though that kind of gets at what I was saying about my kids. Younger generations are more connected now than any previous generation, but they just don’t care as much about what the older generations were into. While you’re aware of most of the big franchises through cultural osmosis, like what the original commenter was saying, it’s not a priority. For me and my generation that feels odd I think, at least growing up for me I went through a period of trying to get exposed to those big cultural landmarks, music, movies, tv, and books. I assumed those things must’ve gotten popular with the older cool kids for a reason, so I wanted to experience it for myself, if just to be able to understand the odd reference when it came up.

  • paddirn@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlWrongthink
    2 months ago

    Except for southern “blue dog” Democrats, Abortion is a relatively “safe” topic to pander to single-issue voters on because the only people hyper-opposed to it are single-issue voters on the other side who were never going to vote liberal anyways. There’s virtually no down-side.

    Israel is a more thorny & nuanced issue for Democrats though and not as clear cut. Israel is committing genocide and we shouldn’t be supporting them, but there’s alot of Jewish-American voters in key states, you’ve got AIPAC and a plethora of other Jewish/Israeli lobbies with alot of influence, you’ve got big military contractors who like Israeli money, and then you’ve got bigwigs in the military who see Israel as a strategic partner. Completely dropping support for Israel risks upsetting alot of interests and handing them over to Republicans to be used against Democrats. It’s shitty, but I’m assuming that’s the calculus going on with Democratic leadership.

    Also, Israel is much much less reliant on the US for aid than in times past, and I think there’s a fear that if we stop supplying them, somebody else will and then we’ll have absolutely no influence over anything they do. We have much less influence over them than alot of people think. If they saddle up with China or Russia, the gloves come off and I think we’d see it much worse than it is now. As hard as that is to imagine, it can always get worse. And if we let Republicans get control, it will get worse.

  • I think it should be legal, with extra protections for the workers to protect them from exploitation and abuse. Unfortunately though, our entire economic system is exploitative, so I’m not sure if it would ever entirely be by choice that somebody turned to prostitution, though labor itself is never entirely by choice. I only work at my job because I have to, not because I really want to. A worker selling their body to perform legal labor for money is on par with a person selling their body for another’s sexual gratification. Making it illegal just makes it worse for the workers, since they’re obviously going to do it anyways and won’t get any protections from the law.

    Sex doesn’t always have to be for love, equating it with love is something religious people have forced on the world to get over their own religion-induced guilt over the whole thing. Bonobos have a crazy amount of sex and use it for all sorts of social interactions, it’s something animals do to feel good and relieve stress. There’s instances of other primates even engaging in prostitution as well, where they trade sex for food, and prostitution is one of, if not the oldest job among humans.

  • paddirn@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mllaughing ass off at hacks
    2 months ago

    I think AI art is comparable to photography. Photographers do a lot of work behind the scenes to get everything set up, the equipment, lighting, angles, lenses, etc, But at the end of the day, the only action they’re taking to capture the art is they press a button, it’s not nearly the same amount of work that a painter or a musician puts into their art. So I think the idea of “capturing” art is still a valid thing. Sometimes a photographer can capture an award-winning masterpiece with a spur-of-the-moment photo on some shitty disposable camera. Maybe it took them 1000 bad photos to get that one photo, but they still just captured it from somewhere else, they didn’t create the work.

    Similarly with AI, a person may have to work with the AI software to setup and craft the prompt that will eventually generate the art, then there may be dozens of iterations of that and fine-tuning to get the result they’re imagining, and even after that there may be some photoshopping involved to get it to where they want it. They’re capturing artwork from a source that may not be their own creation, just the same as photographers. I think AI art is just as legitimate as other forms of art, it’s just open to a wider range of people that can participate because many of the physical hurdles (equipment, space, time, lighting, etc) are not as much of an issue.