• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • Ah, then no, the last thing I knew about it you can’t migrate accounts from one server to another, which is what you’re trying to do here.
    As I mentioned if you were able to move the keys which identify your account it would be easy for someone to impersonate you.
    Also, your public keys are shared among all the instances you’ve interacted, so this might break your interactions there.

  • Do you still have the old database? You should be able to move your instance around as long as you have a dump of your DB, that’s where all the keys of each community and user in your instance are. Those are the ones telling other instances you’re actually you, if you loose those I don’t know what can be done so other instances flush your old content and treat you as a new account. But I would count on thi s being a feature since it could lead to people impersonating someone else if they get a hold of the domain without the DB.

    EDIT: amm, maybe I didn’t understand correctly, are you trying to move to a new domain? Or to a new server with the same domain?
    What’s re-home?

  • How torrents validate the files being served?

    Recently I read a post where OP said they were transcoding torrents in place and still seeding them, so their question was if this was possible since the files were actually not the same anymore.
    A comment said yes, the torrent was being seeded with the new files and they were “poisoning” the torrent.

    So, how this can be prevented if torrents were implemented as a CDN?
    An in general, how is this possible? I thought torrents could only use the original files, maybe with a hash, and prevent any other data being sent.

  • I also like local only with a similar set up as yours, rsync to and HDD and to an SSD.
    But I also would recommend you to follow that suggestion, you need to have an external backup managed by someone else (encrypted, of course) so you can have options if anything happens to everything in your local.
    It’s up to you how much you’re willing to pay to be sure to be able to retrieve your data.

    I’m using iDrive e2, it says it has a limited offer, but it’s been there for over a year.

    Im basically paying $1.25 for 2TB per month (it’s charged at once for 24 months) https://www.idrive.com/s3-storage-e2/pricing

  • Found that also myself trying to do the same thing haha. I did the same process as OP, gparted took 2.5 hours in my 1TB HDD to create a new partition, then copying the data from old to new partition was painfully slow, so I went to copy it to another dive and into the new partition.
    Afterwards I deleted the old partition and grew the new one, which took a bit more than 1.5 hours.

    If I had the space I would have copied all the data out of the drive, formatted it and then copied back into. It would have been quicker.

  • I’m just annoyed by the regions issues, you’ll get pretty biased results depending in what region you select.
    If you try to search for something specific to a region with other selected you’ll find sometime empty results, which shows you won’t get relevant results about a search if you don’t properly select the region.

    Probably this is more obvious with non technical searches, for example my default region is canada-en and if I try “instituto nacional electoral” I only get a wiki page, an international site and some other random sites with no news, only when I change the region I get the official page ine.mx and news. For me this means kagi hides results from other regions instead of just boosting the selected region’s ones.

  • You can use GPSLogger to record it in local or send it to whatever service you want.
    If you’re into selfhosting you can use traccar which is focused into fleet management so it’s easy to get reports on the trips made.

    As for your second point, I wouldn’t trust the GPS for this, it can say you weren’t moving since it only checks every so often to record the data, or maybe it says you actually were speeding because the two points it used to calculate the data weren’t the actual points you were at that time.
    A dashcam would be better suited for this. I’m not sure how they work, but most probably they can be connected to read data from your car which would be more trust worthy to whoever might decide if you were actually speeding.

  • Damn, I wanted to answer with that joke…

    I’d say I still procrastinate but less. The main factor is it make me feel anxious of not finishing stuff so I wanted a solution.
    The way I’m improving is to look at big tasks into smaller steps which are easier and quicker to accomplish, this way I feel better since there’s something I finished even when the big task might be still a long way of being finished.

    I remember something about 2 minute tasks or something like that, but also I saw this from my job, splitting projects into epics and each epic into tasks and even then you could split them into sub tasks (taken from the Jira types at my job)

  • I don’t know the games you linked, but all the games from nimblebit and from kairosoft are sim games where you put people to work and you have to wait for them to finish.
    I’ve played Tiny Tower, Pocket Planes, disco zoo, and Dungeon Village 2. None of them require an internet connection, some have ads which give you a boost, and some have paid tiers to remove the ads.

  • I’m wondering if that would be too niche or something which should be its own project, and those in need of a suitable solution would be better deploying a dedicated service.

    I mean, for example lemmy has PMs, but if there’s a notice to move to a dedicated messaging service for more privacy and functionality.

    So, for a “wiki” the sidebar usually is enough to have the rules and links to sites with more information and a better structure.