• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023

  • obligatory: https://qntm.org/abolish

    Before I read this article, I also thought it would be a great idea to get rid of timezones entirely and just use UTC for everything. To quote from the link, (please forgive me for being lazy and not formatting it correctly)

    Abolishing time zones brings many benefits, I hope. It also:

    • causes the question “What time is it there?” to be useless/unanswerable
    • necessitates significant changes to the way in which normal people talk about time
    • convolutes timetables, where present
    • means “days” (of the week) are no longer the same as “days”
    • complicates both secular and religious law
    • is a staggering inconvenience for a minimum of five billion people
    • makes it near-impossible to reason about time in other parts of the world
    • does not mean everybody gets up at the same time, goes to work at the same time, or goes to bed at the same time
    • is not simpler.

    As long as humans live in more than one part of the world, solar time is always going to be subjective. Abolishing time zones only exacerbates this problem.

  • Did you get a phone case with your pixel? I didn’t when I bought my pixel 6a.

    The phone case was a complimentary gift from the e-commerce platform I bought the phone from. Not from Google themselves. My guess is that they wanted to get rid of these 2023 H2 Limited Edition Pixel × Rhinoshield Phone Case Pixel 8 - Black that no one wanted to buy, so they decided to just give it away. Pretty thoughtful gift actually.

  • The proverb you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear means you can’t create a fine product from inferior materials.

    I’d argue it’s closer to 朽木不可雕^. 巧婦難為無米之炊 (巧妇难为无米之炊) is more like you can’t make stuff without the necessary requirements.

    ^朽木不可雕: Lit. Rotten wood can’t be carved, metaphorically You can’t teach a student that is too dumb.

    … Well actually no. Upon looking into these 3 idioms further while composing this comment, I leaned more and more towards that 巧婦難為無米之炊 is actually closer. Why? Because 朽木不可雕 applies only to humans and it puts more of a focus on the rotten wood (aka the dumb student).

    I guess this comment was kind of useless lol but I decided to post it anyway because I put in way too much effort