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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2024

  • I think this is intentional. Call me paranoid.

    Elaboration: we have seen in the past how RedHat’s and others’ policies would always not reach some part of Linux users, and those users still wouldn’t feel as second class citizens - it was just a matter of choice and configuration to avoid PulseAudio, systemd, Gnome 3, one can go on. That was mostly connected to escaping major environments and same applications working the same with all of them. Wayland, while not outright making Gnome the only thing to work, creates a barrier and doesn’t make that a firm given anymore.

    It won’t be too long until using Linux without Wayland will cut you off from many things developed with corporate input - and that’s developers’ time paid as opposed to donated for or volunteered, so much more effort.

    Now, there was a time when there weren’t that much corporate input and still things would get done. But it will be hard to fall back to it, when the whole environment, one can say, ecosystem, is so complex and corporate-dependent.

    I would say this is the time of all those corps whose investment into Linux was so nice in 00s and 10s reaping what they sowed. This wasn’t all for free or to profit on paid support. And people who thought that it’s GPL that was such a nice license that “forced” corps to participate in FOSS projects they benefit from, with those projects remaining FOSS, are going to have to face reality.

    Fat years are ending, so they are going to capitalize on their investments.

    This has already happened with the Web 10 or more years ago, when Facebook, Google and others have suddenly gone Hitler, while now they are in terminal stages of enshittification.

    Same process.

    You can disagree, no need to insult me.

  • Easy when there are bad people you’re interested in.

    Buy 100M worth of drones with ammo and transportation, only I’ll have to find somebody from former Artsakh Defense Army to ask where.

    Or maybe just buy samples of anthrax, bubonic plague, some particular nasty kind of covid and other such nice things, lots of pests able to carry them and, of course, rodents, bribe lots of people on my way and bring all that stuff to Baku.

  • rottingleaf@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlBecause that's how it works, right?
    2 months ago

    Ancap is called anarcho-capitalism because it’s usually considered that you can make capitalism with it. But it’s not one of the axioms.

    Its components are voluntarism, non-aggression and property as a simple concept, because otherwise taking anything forcibly from another person is not clearly aggression. Property on knowledge is generally not recognized in ancap (so no trademarks and patents), property on resources in usually disputed in ancap (because you haven’t made those resources and have the same right to them as everyone else).

    You have also answered the wrong post, this one was not about ancap at all (are you a buggy bot or just came here through my post history?).

    Actually the opposite - some compromise between Marxism and our world which for me personally seems better than all those complex wealth redistribution systems. Simply abolish inheritance of a kind of property that some call means of production, some something else etc. Then that material value may be used in some socially useful way, while the society becomes much more egalitarian and market mechanisms start working again. Naturally this means that companies won’t grow big, so cooperatives will become plausible form of organization.

    It’s some kind of Trotskyist socialism, I’m just trying to extract it from my memory of the short period when I was excited by such stuff.

  • rottingleaf@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlBecause that's how it works, right?
    2 months ago

    Oh, I’ve somehow remembered that weird period when I was kinda leftist. (Usually I’m ancap.)

    Not because I stopped believing that people are not born equal or that people deserve and need different things, and that voluntarism is good, but because evolutionary mechanisms, which are one of the main arguments in favor of markets, invisible hands, bootstraps and such, are skewed by inheritance and starting with different base.

    This led me to believe that the Marxist division of private property and “personal” property (doesn’t sound right in English, private seems more personal than “personal”, while it’s less in Russian), where the latter was what formally existed in USSR and the former was some bad, bad capitalist concept, has the right to exist.

    The former shouldn’t be inherited or gifted. The latter is complete property.

    This would kinda make sense by removing generational wealth, but there’d be a question of criteria separating these two things. I guess it would involve the concept of “means of production” and land and resources would be something that can’t be personal property. But it’d be all a question of amounts anyway.

    And then there’s a question of whether such a society will or will not be eaten by another, where not only wealth is accumulated by clans, but also sometimes knowledge of power.

    EDIT: It feels so good to put the A-word in any comment involving politics. You just know that every fool out there won’t think further. It’s as if you had a dam defending your little cozy town from sewage sea around.