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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2024


  • You got a lot to learn. It seems you are still in stage of development where everything is about you. As/if when you develop, you will realize that there other people and they got their lots in life and many times no amount of personal responsibility or hard work will fix.

    When we shit on the less fortunate as it is the culture in the US, we still greating a degeneracy in the process. Homeless, drugs, abuse, etc

    Things that other countries seem to manage better with social policy and capital…

    In us we prefer to spend that cash on state aid and prison system 🤡

  • Money really do work like that. People won’t get better until they got sufficient economic security to get of base level subsitance thinking.

    However, the regime’s actions indicate that’s exactly what they don’t want. They are grinding people to deathw with work and savage social conditions and making up labour shortage with migrant infusions which also suppress wages.

    Sad reality since most people still haven’t caught up to speed it seems. Nothing will change until critical mass starts acting in their own self interest and get a backbone.