• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • I suspect retrofitting a whole new identity system to Fediverse will never happen because server admins, or instance admins, will come up with all kinds of reasons why they don’t like the idea of not knowing who their users are. Some of them would probably allow it, but I bet a whole bunch of them wouldn’t, and we’d get into this fragmentation where some servers won’t allow posts from those types of identity, etc. It seems to me much easier to take Nostr and just give it the functionality you get inside the Fediverse.

  • If communities are never even given a view of the offending posts, they will obviously never be able to participate in the solution. I think communities that don’t address offending posts can and should be banned at the server level. Unless it is handled this way, then I guess server operators take complete ownership of the issue. I’m not even touching the topic of what constitutes an offending posts, which lends itself to all kinds of mis interpretations.

  • Well, in that case, I think the Fediverse is in serious trouble. You will end up with too much fragmentation in how servers handle this sort of thing; it’s definitely going to keep happening and probably get worse. I think delegating to the community of forum participants to handle the problem is in the spirit of the Fediverse. In either case, I admit it’s up to each server owner to do what they feel is best. I suspect the Noster model of dumb repeaters is a better model.

  • Well as always users that did nothing wrong are the ones that suffer. I think banning images is overkill. Let the forum police themselves. It’s the way this is supposed to work. Just banning images site wide is pretty draconian and defeats the purpose of the fediverse. Blocking any images that could contain any level of nudity is also overkill. I’ll probably move to a self hosted server eventually.

  • There is more to this than moderation. Look at how Reddit handled third party access and how they will monetize content for their benefit that you created. How do you bring your voice to that debate? Here you can, on Reddit you can’t. I think the answer needs to be that nobody can be silenced. Yes they can be taken out of communities but they cannot be silenced. That is especially true in the nostr model. If enough people are bothered by what happened they can recreate the community or move to a different instance. It will happen eventually. This stuff is all too new right now to have good examples.

  • I have lots of thoughts on this one. I totally agree that the amount of junk out there is on the increase. One of the reason I like Reddit/Lemmy is to crowd source the findings for worthwhile content. I think the secret is being selective of what you subscribe to. I also use reeder by Readwise and let it summarize using AI anything I throw its way. I then use the summary to decide if I even want to read the full content. I’m staring to pay more attention to platforms like Substack and paying for content. In general the problem you highlight is one that I think AI can’t help greatly in fixing. Maybe an AI that knows you and can pre read something and tell you if you should even bother.